Tuesday, 31 March 2009

almost naked

[crap photo i took on my phone in the mirror. but you get the idea]

this is one of the dresses i made for my final collection, i posted some of the photos a while back from the photoshoot i did for my prints (view here). i'll try and post more at some point.


  1. l o v e i t a n d
    i t l o o k s s o r a d o n
    y o u ;)

    x x

  2. that looks so freakin awesome-almost like stylish tie dye :)
    thats why i cant wait for my spring break to start because i have sooo many DIY's i want to complete-including this. did you screen print these? i have to take mine to get done or something

    come for a visit sometime!


  3. wow, this looks really cool. Wish there was a pic though that showed the print a bit more...Hope your jersey arrives soon - I know how stressful it is to wait for something that you need to finish a project that actually has a deadline!!
